
  Hello beautiful people!  How are u feeling today! Last blog phewww  It’s been quite a ride… Through this subject, we were introduced to different apps and teaching approaches that for sure we will use in the future. Here we are with the last blog regarding Assessment and how it changes when we integrate a new component, such as technology.  On the first week of May, I had my mock teaching session. As a pre-service teacher, I am well aware that my profession goes beyond simply explaining the lesson. There are a lot of elements intertwined together. One of the most critical components of the educational process is assessments which involves systematically gathering and analyzing evidence of student learning. Assessment provides valuable information to students, teachers, parents, and educational institutions to support learning, make informed decisions, and improve educational outcomes. Assessing 10th graders typically involves evaluating their knowledge, skills, and understanding in v
 Hello beautiful people!  I am back again with a very interesting topic. This week blog post with be a Reflection on the TTELT’s Podcast Episode S2 49.0 “Creating a Learning Community”/ This podcast was hosted by Maya Moore with guest speaker Pearlie Lubin. Who spoke about creating a learning community. At first glance, without hearing anything else just by reading the title I thought okay this is going to be interesting.  The main goals of this blog post are:  To discuss the usefulness of the episode.  The key learning I gained.  How I envision applying these tips in a real classroom setting. Usefulness of the episode.  Let's embark on this journey together.  First, the conversation goes back to 2020, COVID-19 times, a very challenging period for teachers. It highlighted the fact that how in such hard times there were ways of adapting and overcoming obstacles. Creating a learning community is not that easy especially when
Hello beautiful people. When I was preparing the multimedia project, there were several stages and many changes to consider during the decision-making stage and the design stage. Let's explore these in detail: 1.Decision-Making Stage: Decision- making stage is all about throwing ideas all over and trying to see what works the best. During this stage, I determined the purpose, target group and I brainstormed things regarding the content of my multimedia project.  a. Identify the project purpose :  I drafted what I wanted to achieve with my multimedia project. The main purpose was to educate my students and enrich their knowledge regarding idioms. I wanted to make the project concise that's why I focused specifically on the weather idioms.  b. Define the Target Audience: upon deciding on the purpose of my project I had a clear idea that my target group should be of a slightly high level of English since idioms can be tricky. I organized my mock teaching session to fit into the 1
  Hello beautiful people.  Constructivism omgggg this reminds me of that big psychology book from the previous semester phewww  We know the world is changing fast and the traditional way of teaching and learning is so outdated. There are different approaches that are seen as the best for the moment. Today I will elaborate a bit on Constructivism and autonomous learning. Both are two educational perspectives that have significant implications for effective teaching and learning.    Constructivism emphasizes active learning, recognizing that learners construct their knowledge by engaging in hands-on activities, and problem-solving. It puts emphasis on the importance of prior knowledge, encouraging teachers to design learning experiences that build upon students' existing understanding. When taking into consideration this aspect I recalled a saying by one of my professors who guided us with a simple formula I + 1 ( previous information + 1 more). Other than individual learning we shou
 Hello everyone.  I was gone for a hot minute but now I am back with a reflection.  Reflection is a valuable process that allows me to analyze and evaluate my own experience, actions, and outcomes. It promotes deeper understanding, self-awareness, and growth. In the context of my  presentation, here  are some bullet points:  1. Content:  The presentation effectively transmitted my main ideas and key points focused on weather idioms. The explanation was logical and well-supported with examples and it covered the necessary information.  Were there any gaps or areas that needed more clarity? After finishing my presentation this was the first question that popped in my head. I don't think there was huge room for improvement regarding the information but maybe some minor changes could be done. One thing I could have done differently was the examples provided, maybe it would have been better to leave blank spaces so the students would think and create their own version.  2. Delivery:
  Hello beautiful people :) This week's topic is about  Constructive learning and WebQuests. Soooo what is a WebQuest hmmmmm have a look at this video first A WebQuest is a type of online learning activity in which students use the internet to explore, analyze and synthesize information related to a specific topic or problem. WebQuests are typically designed as a series of structured tasks and questions that guide students through the process of inquiry and discovery, with the ultimate goal of constructing their own understanding of the topic. WebQuests are closely associated with constructivist learning, which is a theory of education that emphasizes the active construction of knowledge by learners. Constructivist learning posits that learners construct their own understanding of the world by actively engaging with it and reflecting on their experiences. WebQuests are designed to promote this kind of active engagement and reflection by providing stude
 HELLO EVERYONE  Hope you are having a good time, since we all are familiar with blogger already this is a post to help me out so you all can easily access the pages i want to show you outside of my presentation in order to make it more interactive during my mock teaching session. Blogger will be my basket in which i will put other links that will show you other apps.  Enjoy the ride :) BRAINSTORMING.  Search on google Mentimeter and enter code 3742 2923 Game time , click on the link, complete it and share your results with the class. Assigments