Hello beautiful people :)
This week's topic is about Constructive learning and WebQuests.

Soooo what is a WebQuest hmmmmm have a look at this video first https://youtu.be/o4rel5qOPvU

A WebQuest is a type of online learning activity in which students use the internet to explore, analyze and synthesize information related to a specific topic or problem. WebQuests are typically designed as a series of structured tasks and questions that guide students through the process of inquiry and discovery, with the ultimate goal of constructing their own understanding of the topic.

WebQuests are closely associated with constructivist learning, which is a theory of education that emphasizes the active construction of knowledge by learners. Constructivist learning posits that learners construct their own understanding of the world by actively engaging with it and reflecting on their experiences. WebQuests are designed to promote this kind of active engagement and reflection by providing students with opportunities to explore and analyze information in a meaningful and interactive way.

WebQuests are also designed to be collaborative, with students working together in small groups to complete the tasks and share their findings. This collaborative approach encourages students to share their ideas, discuss their findings, and build on each other's knowledge, which is also in line with the principles of constructivist learning.

Overall, WebQuests provide an effective and eng
aging way for students to construct their own understanding of a topic, while also promoting collaboration and critical thinking skills.

Waittttttttttt before going, spare some minutes and see my webquest regarding weather-idioms. 

see you byeeeeeeeee . 


  1. Hi Amoreta,

    Thank you for explaining what WebQuests are and how they can benefit students in their learning. I watched the video you shared, and as an addition to what we learned in the classroom, it helped me understand the concept better.

    It's interesting to know that WebQuests promote active engagement and collaboration among students, which are essential in constructing their own understanding of the topic. I appreciate your informative blog post. Great job! I also enjoyed going through your WebQuest about idioms. After reading a few of them I understood that I was making a storm in a teacup about idioms. They aren't that hard to master once you find interesting reading materials.


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