Hello everyone. 

I was gone for a hot minute but now I am back with a reflection. 

Reflection is a valuable process that allows me to analyze and evaluate my own experience, actions, and outcomes. It promotes deeper understanding, self-awareness, and growth. In the context of my  presentation, here  are some bullet points: 

1. Content: 

The presentation effectively transmitted my main ideas and key points focused on weather idioms. The explanation was logical and well-supported with examples and it covered the necessary information. 

Were there any gaps or areas that needed more clarity?

After finishing my presentation this was the first question that popped in my head. I don't think there was huge room for improvement regarding the information but maybe some minor changes could be done. One thing I could have done differently was the examples provided, maybe it would have been better to leave blank spaces so the students would think and create their own version. 

2. Delivery: Considering my delivery and presentation skills, I would say that it wasn't my lucky day. My speaking pace, volume, and clarity were good in the beginning but I got nervous by the end. I maintained eye contact and engage with the audience and tried to help the students when they didn't understand something or when they had trouble solving exercises. I was confident and enthusiastic about my work because I know what I was about to present but I wasn't informed about the steps that my college would follow to bring up her own work so that made me feel anxious. 

3. Engagement: Reflection on the engagement and impact on the audience.

The audience's response to my presentation was great. I can say that I was able to effectively capture their attention and maintain their interest by incorporating visuals, sounds and technological aids. 

Were there any moments where the audience seemed disengaged or confused?

I wouldn't say disengaged since I made sure to involve and activate everyone in different situations but maybe the change from one app to another made them slightly confused. However, I was able to explain to them in simple steps what they were supposed to do and everything went smoothly. 

4. Organization: Evaluating the overall structure and flow of my presentation.

As a team works the organization failed, I won't go into details about how I wasn't informed even though I insisted a lot to work as a team and tried my best to make things work out, things didn't go as planned. There were some problems with the internet, a bit confusing but we were able to overcome and improvise. The overall presentation had a clear introduction that grabbed the audience's attention. The content was organized and we provide transitions between different sections and ideas, where my teammate was in control of her own work and I was in charge of mine. 

        5. Media elements: My presentation included: 

Mentimeter: I used this app for the brainstorming activity to warm up and focus attention. Brainstorming is easy to be done even orally but this was a nice program that I might use it even in other presentations in the future. 

Interactive PowerPoint with sounds, transitions, and movements, in this app I wouldn't change anything regarding the tech part.

WebQuest: I structured there a lot of information and assignments so maybe It would have been better to leave out some assignments, seems like it was too packed. 

Word wall and Hot potatoes: I won't say much about these two since they are exercise generator programs. Easy to use and very convenient. 

   6. Lessons Learned: don't let your anxiety make you nervous. Have a plan B when technology fails you. 

So overall I would say it was a good presentation. It wasn't my first time being a ‘teacher’ but it was a different feeling. I can say that I work better when I am not forced to go with the flow since I am very organized and like to prepare things in advance but the presentation was delivered successfully, and that's what is important at the end of the day.


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