Hello beautiful people! 

How are u feeling today! Last blog phewww 

It’s been quite a ride… Through this subject, we were introduced to different apps and teaching approaches that for sure we will use in the future. Here we are with the last blog regarding Assessment and how it changes when we integrate a new component, such as technology. 

On the first week of May, I had my mock teaching session. As a pre-service teacher, I am well aware that my profession goes beyond simply explaining the lesson. There are a lot of elements intertwined together. One of the most critical components of the educational process is assessments which involves systematically gathering and analyzing evidence of student learning. Assessment provides valuable information to students, teachers, parents, and educational institutions to support learning, make informed decisions, and improve educational outcomes.

Assessing 10th graders typically involves evaluating their knowledge, skills, and understanding in various subject areas. Assessments can take different forms and serve different purposes, ranging from formative assessments that provide ongoing feedback to summative assessments that measure overall achievement. It's a long process that involves different elements together. 

First being Written Tests/Exams: Traditional tests or exams assess students knowledge and understanding of specific content areas. They typically include multiple-choice questions, short-answer questions, and essay prompts. In my class it takes up to 40% of the final grade. 

To go on with Projects: Assigning projects allow students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in a more creative and practical manner. The project assigned in the WebQuest http://zunal.com/evaluation.php?w=784816 it will be group-based and may involve research presentations, and artistic creations. It takes up to 20% of the final grade. 

Another form of assessment I included was: Performance-based assessment. This form of assessment evaluates students ability to apply their knowledge and skills to real-life situations. This part takes up to 25% of the final grade. 20% is detailed each lesson for different topic where different students will be evaluated on their performance and 5% motivation bonus. Here I will attach the link to my detailed rubric I created regarding performance assessment for my student regarding weather idioms. check the rubric here https://www.dropbox.com/home/Group%20C/Week%2010?preview=STEP+4-Amoreta+Shima.docx

Attendance takes up to 15% of the final grade.

How assessment changes when we integrate a new component, such as technology. 

As an English teacher integrating technology into the assessment process, several changes can occur that can enhance the teaching and evaluation of English language skills. There won't be one specific task in their grade that will involve technology. However, technology will be their hidden tool. In their presentations integrating technology allows students to create multimedia presentations as part of their assessments. They can use presentation tools like PowerPoint or Prezi, or video creation platforms like Flipgrid or Animato to demonstrate their language skills through engaging and visually appealing presentations. This helps develop both their language proficiency and digital literacy.

Online Writing and Grammar Tools: Technology provides various online writing and grammar tools that can support students language proficiency assessment. Students can use grammar-checking software, online dictionaries, and writing feedback tools like Grammarly to improve their written work. 

As for me as a teacher technology is an aid especially Immediate Feedback. Technology facilitates instant feedback on students language performance. Automated grading systems, online quizzes, and language learning apps can provide immediate scoring and feedback, allowing students to identify and address their mistakes promptly. This timely feedback supports self-correction and promotes continuous learning. 

So this was the end beautiful people... As always XOXO.


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